Governor Vacancies
We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor, please read on for more information:
Parent Governors – Information
Frays Academy Trust is a Multi-Academy Trust managing seven Primary schools in Hillingdon and Wokingham and firmly believed strong and committed Governance is a key element in school improvement and success.
The Governors’ Handbook describes effective Governance as being ambitious for all our children, being enthusiastic and committed to driving forward continuous school improvement that enables children to achieve the best possible outcomes. Effective Governance is driven by inquisitive, independent minds and through focussed, strategic conversations.
The key elements of effective Governance are:
• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
• Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils,
and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
• Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
What does it mean to be a School Governor?
As a Parent Governor you will have exactly the same responsibilities as all other Governors and will be able to share your viewpoint at meetings.
The role of any Governor is strategic and it can sometimes be difficult to separate personal issues regarding your own child with the strategic overview of the school. The information shared at Governor meetings is confidential until the minutes are agreed. It is important Governors always support all collective decisions even if, occasionally, they are at odds with your personal view or opinion. All Governors are subject to a clear DBS check and agree to abide by the Governor Code of Conduct at all times.
How much time is needed to be an effective Governor?
Governors meet once a month during term time, usually on Tuesday evenings and meeting last about two hours. In addition, Governors must have the time to read the papers in advance and prepare questions you might like to raise at the meeting. Governors are also required to visit both schools at least twice a year and report back to Governors. Visits are not inspections but a chance to observe day to day activities through a Governors eyes and meet the staff and children.
What next?
Please see the Parent Governor Eligibility attachment below.
Being a school Governor is hugely rewarding and gives a unique insight into how your child’s school is run along with the opportunity to be involved in the strategic development of the school.
If you think you have what it takes to be an effective school Governor, please complete the application form below and return to the school office.
If more than one nomination is received, we will hold an election and all parents will be eligible to vote (one vote per child/family).
If you have any queries or need any more information please contact us office-beechwood@fraysacademytrust.org