Parent Forum
The Parent Forum is a partnership between parents and the school and is a valuable way to give feedback, share ideas, views, concerns and make suggestions for improvement. At each session a group of volunteer parents provide feedback and ideas on the everyday aspects impacting parents and their children. Ideas and recommendations are then considered by the school.
The Forum exists for the benefit of all the children and parents at Beechwood and is a means to feed information from parents to the school. The Forum is not to be used for raising specific issues about individual children or staff or to raise complaints. There are other processes in place in school to address these.
We value the importance of parents being part of the processes and encourage all parents to provide feedback via one of the volunteer parents to raise at the Parent Forum sessions, alternatively email tobeechwoodparentsforum@gmail.com.
We are currently looking for one Year 2 and one Foundation Stage representative to join our Parent Forum. If you would like to join and are able to commit to one meeting half term, please let the school office know. The next meeting will be on Monday 7th November.