Year 6: Useful Websites for English
The English area of the Bitesize website is packed with activities and questions
to help you prepare for the National Tests in English.
These revision pages have been put together by Woodlands Junior School to
help students with their revision.
Skillswise aims to help adults improve their reading, writing and maths skills. It
is targeted at Level 1 of the adult Basic Skills Literacy & Numeracy
Curriculums for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
You might like to try some spelling practise on this BBC spelling site
An excellent, fun website covering reading skills and several different genres of writing:
This is a great resource for writing, reading and grammar. It directs you to several websites specific to your needs:
This website requires a fee but you can get a 1 month free trial. It is highly recommended for practicing SPaG. http://www.tesspag.com/
Spelling is an important part of the SATs and this resource lists key words and rules children should be familiar with:
Some helpful reading comprehension practise can be completed through this website:
A little bit of everything in these last two websites from spelling games to writing tips: