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The school provides continuous education for pupils up to eleven years of age. Within the school there are four departments as listed below: Pupils are class based and have their own class teacher but they may be taught by another teacher for subjects taught in ability groups such as Maths and English.


In this section you will find information related to the classes within the school.

Each class has a capacity of 30 children.

Pupils have their own class teacher but may be taught by another teacher for subjects taught in ability groups such as Maths and English.

Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception – Ages 4-5)

2 EYFS Classes –  Butterflies

Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2 – Ages 5 – 7)

Two Year 1 classes – Wrens and Robins

Two Year 2 classes – Rabbits and Hedgehogs

Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 – Ages 7 – 11)

Two Year 3 classes – Badgers and Foxes

Two Year 4 classes – Owls and Woodpeckers

Two Year 5 classes – Kites and Falcons

Two Year 6 classes – Eagles and Hawks