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Curriculum Vision

Explore, Discover, Achieve’

At Beechwood, we understand that the best approach to positively influence the futures of our children is by enhancing educational outcomes.

We define “educational” in its broadest sense, which goes beyond a collection of outcomes. It involves a child’s success and happiness, as well as their intellectual, social, and emotional growth.

We provide a knowledge rich inclusive curriculum that has been carefully designed to build on children’s existing knowledge whilst developing the key subject specific skills. At Beechwood we know a love for reading needs to start early on in a child’s education and therefore high-quality and engaging texts are integral to our curriculum. This will support them in furthering their learning as they continue their journey through education, enabling them to succeed in all areas of their education.

We are based at the heart of the community which allows us to build strong links with many local organisations to enhance the children’s learning experience. Every child will leave Beechwood with respect and a sense of belonging to their local community.

Our goal is to develop the whole child: motivated by exploration, discovery, and their achievements.


The English curriculum is driven by high quality texts.  The teaching of reading is supported by quality guided reading texts and there is a clear emphasis on higher order reading skills. The teaching of writing is skills based and covers all genres. There are opportunities for writing across the curriculum. Talk for writing has contributed to the children’s rich vocabulary and has given them more scope to write creatively.  Children work on becoming competent editors of their own work.

Read, Write, Inc. is used successfully to teach the children phonics in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One.

The maths curriculum is based on White Rose. Planning is driven by a progression in calculation policy with opportunities to develop reasoning within problem solving and investigations.  Maths is taught within a context of real life and children enjoy practical and outdoor learning.

Extra-curricular activities support the formal curriculum by extending the children’s knowledge and understanding, and to improve their skills in artistic, creative and sporting activities.

Monitoring of reading, writing and maths takes place on a half termly basis.

We are well aware that all pupils need the support of parents/guardians and teachers to make good progress in school. We strive to build positive links with the parents of each child by keeping them informed about the curriculum and how well each child is progressing.

Special Educational Needs:

Our curriculum is designed to provide access and opportunity for all pupils who attend the school and if we think it necessary to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of individuals or groups of pupils, then we do so.

More Able:

We identify pupils whose abilities are outside the usual range in either a particular area of the curriculum or more generally. We keep a register of the identified pupils and teachers consider these pupils when planning; using a range of strategies to enrich, extend or ‘deepen’ their learning to meet their particular need.

Monitoring of the Curriculum:

Subject leaders monitor long-term and medium-term planning to ensure that a broad coverage of skills and knowledge is being taught across the school.

Subject leaders monitor the delivery of the planned curriculum through regular work scrutiny. Senior Leaders monitor the delivery of the planned curriculum through lesson observations, learning walks and regular work scrutiny.

Where possible, governors observe parts of lessons in the subject areas for which they hold ‘link’ responsibility.

Evaluation of the Curriculum:

The Head Teacher, Deputy Head and Curriculum leader are responsible for the Curriculum and teaching staff share evaluations of curriculum areas/subjects during staff meetings.

Team leaders share evaluations of teaching and learning across their team during team meetings.

Subject leaders share evaluations of their curriculum subject as part of the Performance Management review process.

Governors share evaluations during Governing Body meetings.

Additional information about the schools curriculum is available upon request, please contact the school office.